Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni)


The Peppermint Shrimp is a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts, particularly for its ability to consume Aiptasia.

Originating from the waters around Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Florida Keys, these shrimp are small, with adults seldom growing beyond 2 inches. They are characterized by their off-white bodies adorned with numerous crimson red lines from head to tail.

As scavengers, Peppermint Shrimp actively explore the aquarium and live rock for food remnants, decaying matter, and other detritus. They also readily accept flakes and fresh food pieces. Their efficiency in feeding has given them a reputation for Aiptasia consumption in home aquariums, though they may also target soft corals and polyps after depleting Aiptasia.

These shrimp are nocturnal, usually hiding in rocky areas of the tank during the day and emerging at night to scavenge.


Scientific Name

Lysmata wurdemanni

Origin Caribbean
Max Size 2″
Family Hippolytidae
Provider Keys Marine Life Direct