Calico Crab

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The Calico Crab, Hepatus epheliticus, is vivid and and unique addition to any marine aquarium. Known for its calico-like coloration, this crab plays a crucial role in keeping your tank environment clean and balanced.

The Calico Crab’s shell features a beautiful mosaic of orange, red, and black, making it a standout and desirable choice for aquarium enthusiasts. More than just a pretty face, these crabs are efficient scavengers and algae-eaters, essential for a healthy and well-maintained aquarium ecosystem.

Actively combing through live rock and substrate, they help control algae, detritus, and uneaten food, thus aiding in maintaining water quality. With their peaceful nature, Calico Crabs get along well with many other marine species. However, they are not considered reef safe due to their opportunistic feeding habits.


Scientific Name

Hepatus epheliticus

Origin Caribbean
Max Size 1″
Family Aethridae
Provider Keys Marine Life Direct

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