Pitho Crab ( Pitho mirabilis)


The Pithos Crab (Pitho mirabilis) is valued for its ability to consume various nuisance algae, including hair, bubble, and Caulerpa. Native to the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic, this small crab has a molted brown/tan/yellowish body and cupped claws for efficient algae removal. Females grow up to 1.5 inches with large claws, while males are smaller with small claws. Both genders are non-aggressive, though females can use their claws defensively.

Pithos Crabs are peaceful tank mates and are considered more “reef-safe” than Emerald Crabs. They may still occasionally pick at corals. They can hide when kept with aggressive fish, reducing their grazing. Part of the Mithracidae family, their behavior is similar to Emerald Crabs but more active. Females resemble Emerald Crabs, while males look distinct and rely on camouflage for protection. Pithos Crabs are effective algae eaters, contributing to a clean and balanced aquarium.


Scientific Name

Pitho mirabilis

Origin Caribbean
Max Size 1.5″
Family Mithracidae
Provider Keys Marine Life Direct