Snailtastic Pack: 25 gallons

$38.24 $44.99

  • 20 Astrea snails
  • 10 Large Cerith Snails
  • 10 Nerite Snails
  • 40 Dwarf Cerith snails or 40 Nassarius Snails

Inverts: Allow 3-4 days for collection
Fish: Allow 5-10 days for collection


Snailtastic Saltwater Aquarium Clean-Up Crew 25  Gallons
Astraea Snails have an insatiable hunger for algae. This herbivore particularly relishes consuming troublesome hair algae, cyanobacteria, and diatoms. However, it is essential to exercise caution as this snail faces challenges in regaining its upright position when accidentally overturned or knocked upside down.
Cerith Snails scavenge significant quantities of detritus, uneaten food, fish waste, and algae. In addition, it frequently burrows into your aquarium sand, playing a vital role in ensuring sufficient oxygen levels within the substrate are maintained.
Nerite Snails are great film algae eaters. They will eat the algae off the sides of your aquarium and live rock.
Nassarius Snails is a small but voracious eater, making it an excellent addition to your reef aquarium’s cleanup crew. Known for its efficient scavenging abilities, this snail actively searches the aquarium for detritus, uneaten food, decaying organics, and fish waste.