Spanish Hogfish (Bodianus rufus)

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Spanish Hogfish, Bodianus rufus, native to the Caribbean’s shallow coral reefs, are a large reef fish species, often growing over 10 inches long with a robust build. As juveniles, they are peaceful and can even clean parasites off larger fish. However, with maturity, they become aggressive, especially towards smaller fish.

They are best suited to aquariums with other large fish like triggers and groupers, known for their disease resistance and strong constitution. With their striking coloration and active swimming, they thrive in large tanks but are not suitable for reef aquariums or with small, less aggressive fish and invertebrates, as they may prey on them.

Spanish Hogfish require large aquariums with strong filtration and good water movement, mirroring their natural habitat of strong currents along coral reef tops and edges. They need ample swimming space and prefer environments with live rock or similar decor and medium to strong water currents.

Adults are aggressive and should only be housed in non-reef aquariums with other large, aggressive fish. They should not be kept with crustaceans, invertebrates, or small fish unless as food.

Their diet changes from juvenile to adult stages. Juveniles eat small meaty foods like brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, or krill. Adults are more predatory, consuming a wide range of meaty foods, including live invertebrates, fish, snails, shrimp, worms, mussels, and various crustaceans and sessile invertebrates.


Scientific Name

Bodianus rufus

Origin Caribbean
Max Size 15″
Family Labridae
Provider Keys Marine Life Direct

Arrive Alive Guarantee

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