XXL Turban Snail (Turbo sp.)

$9.99 $14.99

These are the size of baseballs, large and in charge!


The Turban Snail is a hardy and efficient algae grazer, making it a great addition to a saltwater aquarium clean-up crew. These snails thrive in stable, well-established tanks with plenty of live rock and algae growth.

Turban Snails primarily feed on algae, including diatoms and film algae, which they scrape off tank surfaces and rocks. If natural algae growth is insufficient, you can supplement their diet with algae wafers or nori.

These snails are peaceful creatures and do well with a variety of tank mates, including small, non-aggressive fish and other invertebrates. Avoid housing them with aggressive species that may pick at their shells, such as large crabs or predatory fish.


Scientific Name

Turbo sp.

Origin Caribbean
Max Size 6″
Family Turbinidae
Provider Keys Marine Life Direct