Flame Cardinal

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The Flame Cardinalfish, also referred to as the Flamefish, displays a vibrant fiery red hue complemented by delicate hints of blue and green tones.

For optimal care, it’s recommended to provide the Flame Cardinalfish with an aquarium of at least 30 gallons or more. The aquarium should feature caves and peaceful tank mates, creating a suitable setting for this leisurely and deliberate swimmer. While it thrives in paired setups, caution is advised against keeping it in large groups due to its tendency to display aggressive behavior towards other Cardinalfish. This species exhibits its best behavior when kept in mated pairs.

To ensure its well-being, the Flame Cardinalfish’s diet should consist of a balanced and vitamin-enriched assortment of foods. This includes meaty options like frozon mysis, enriched brine shrimp, and bloodworms.

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Scientific Name

Apogon spp

Origin Caribbean
Max Size 4″
Family Apogon
Provider Keys Marine Life Direct

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