Bicolor Damsel

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The Bicolor Chromis Damsel, Chromis margaritifer, features a distinct color pattern that sets it apart from other damselfish. They are sociable by nature and thrive best when kept in groups of five or more. Generally peaceful and amiable towards most tank mates, the Bicolor Chromis Damsel can, however, show territorial behavior towards other damselfish species. This species is rarer compared to other damselfish varieties. A tank of at least 20 gallons, providing ample swimming space and rock structures, is ideal for their well-being. In terms of diet, the Bicolor Chromis Damsel is not fussy and will readily eat a variety of foods, including frozen, live, prepared, flake, or pellet options. However, be aware that they may display aggression towards other damselfish that are already present in your aquarium.


Scientific Name

Chromis margaritifer

Origin Caribbean
Max Size 5″
Family Pomacentridae
Provider Keys Marine Life Direct

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