Green Chromis

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The Reef Chromis, also known as the Blue Green Reef Chromis or Green Reef Chromis, is a highly sought-after fish due to its affordability, ease of care, attractive appearance, and peaceful nature. As a schooling species, it creates a stunning visual effect in larger aquariums with its vibrant colors.

In their natural habitat, Reef Chromis are found swimming in groups among branching corals. To replicate this environment in a home aquarium, a similar setting is recommended. For optimal care, it’s advised to feed them multiple times a day with a varied diet that includes meaty foods, herbivore flakes, and frozen preparations. Incorporating vitamin-enriched foods can also help maintain their vivid body colors. They thrive best in a well-established tank of at least 30 gallons



Scientific Name

Chromis viridis

Origin Caribbean
Max Size 4″
Family Pomacentridae
Provider Keys Marine Life Direct

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