Pederson Cleaner Shrimp (Ancylomenes pedersoni)


The Pederson Cleaner Shrimp (Ancylomenes pedersoni) is a captivating and beneficial addition to a saltwater aquarium. Known for its vibrant colors, striking patterns, and engaging behavior, this shrimp species serves both as an attractive display organism and a valuable cleaner for other tank inhabitants.

These shrimp are native to tropical coral reef environments and thrive in well-maintained saltwater aquariums with stable water parameters. When considering the care and maintenance of the Pederson Cleaner Shrimp in your saltwater tank, keep the following points in mind:

These shrimp are known for their cleaning services, as they pick parasites, dead skin, and debris from the bodies of fish that visit them. Compatible tank mates include peaceful reef-safe fish like clownfish, gobies, and small wrasses. Avoid aggressive or predatory species that may view the shrimp as a potential snack.

By providing suitable habitat, proper diet, and compatible tank mates, you can enjoy the captivating presence and beneficial cleaning services of the Pederson Cleaner Shrimp in your saltwater aquarium. Remember that individual shrimp may exhibit slight variations in behavior and compatibility, so attentive observation and care are key to their well-being.


Anemone Cleaner Shrimp

Pederson’s Cleaner Shrimp are peaceful and relatively easy to keep and care for. They are one of the best fish cleaners, good scavengers, and can be a part of a group of animals in a reef aquarium, “cleaning crew”.

Scientific Name

Ancylomenes Pedersoni

Origin Caribbean
Max Size  2″
Family Ancylomenes Pedersoni
Provider Keys Marine Life Direct

Arrive Alive Guarantee

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