Hi-Hat Drumfish (Equetus acuminatus)


The Hi-Hat Drumfish, often referred to as the High-Hat, is distinguished by its prominent anterior dorsal fin and a silvery body adorned with dark horizontal stripes. This species thrives in a peaceful community setting within an aquarium of over 70 gallons, equipped with a sandy substrate and ample hiding places. When first introduced to a new aquarium, the Hi-Hat tends to hide until it becomes comfortable with its surroundings.

With consistent feeding, the Hi-Hat should gradually emerge from its hiding spots. Its diet should include a variety of live foods, such as brine shrimp and black worms, along with meaty options. When hungry, the Hi-Hat actively forages in the sand for worms, crustaceans, and small fish, and may occasionally feed on fireworms.


Scientific Name

Equetus acuminatus

Origin Caribbean
Max Size 6″
Family Drum
Provider Keys Marine Life Direct

Arrive Alive Guarantee

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