Princess Parrotfish

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Princess Parrotfish, Scarus taeniopterus , are often found in the Caribbean, as well as in the reef and seagrass areas of Bermuda and Florida. They typically feed on algae growing on both living and dead coral surfaces, often seen foraging through coral debris. These parrots are usually observed in large groups, similar to a grazing herd, though solitary individuals are sometimes spotted.

In their natural habitat, these parrots use their specialized teeth to scrape algae from dead coral skeletons and occasionally from living coral heads. They ingest large pieces of the coral’s calcareous skeleton along with the algae, later excreting the inorganic material as sand. In a typical reef aquarium, where dead coral skeletons are not commonly kept, parrotfish may turn to living coral, consuming the zooxanthellae in the coral’s tissue for energy, rather than the coral itself.

Due to this feeding habit, reef aquarists, especially those with rare and expensive corals, often choose not to include parrotfish in their tanks. Additionally, meeting the dietary needs of these fish in a fish-only system can be quite challenging.


Scientific Name

Scarus taeniopterus

Origin Caribbean
Max Size 2′
Family Scaridae
Provider Keys Marine Life Direct

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