Florida Slender Sea Horse (Hippocampus reidi)


The Slender Seahorse, Hippocampus reidi, also referred to as the Longsnout Seahorse, is native to the Western Caribbean. This species comes in black or white variants, though its coloration can change in the aquarium, often influenced by the surrounding environment’s colors.

For optimal care, it’s best to keep them either as a mated pair or in a small group within a species-specific aquarium of at least 30 gallons. A taller tank is preferable, ideally at least 16 inches high, to accommodate their need for good water circulation. They coexist peacefully with small, timid fish like gobies, ocellaris and percula clowns, and firefish. However, aggressive or fast-moving fish are not suitable companions, as they may outcompete the Slender Seahorse for food.

Initially, live saltwater feeder shrimp can be used to encourage eating in a new aquarium. They also feed on amphipods and other small crustaceans typically found in live rock. While they can eat vitamin-enriched adult brine shrimp, this should not be the main component of their diet.

Seahorses usually spend their time clinging to seagrass with their prehensile tails rather than swimming. With their unique features and behaviors, they are among the most extraordinary fish that can be kept in a home aquarium.

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Scientific Name

Hippocampus reidi

Origin Caribbean
Max Size 4″
Family Syngnathidae
Provider Keys Marine Life Direct

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