Red Hind (Strawberry) Grouper


The Red Hind Grouper, also known as the Strawberry Hind, is a colorful addition to marine aquariums. This species is distinguished by its vibrant red body speckled with numerous small, lighter spots, resembling the seeds of a strawberry, hence its name. The Strawberry Grouper has a robust, slightly elongated body and a large mouth, typical of groupers.

They require a spacious aquarium due to their potential size and territorial nature. A minimum tank size of 100 gallons is recommended. The tank should have plenty of live rock and space for hiding and swimming. Groupers are known to rearrange their surroundings, so ensure that rocks and decorations are securely placed.

Strawberry Groupers are carnivorous and require a diet rich in meaty foods. Offer a variety of fresh or frozen seafood, such as shrimp, squid, and small fish.

Caution is advised when selecting tank mates. Avoid smaller fish and invertebrates, as groupers can be predatory. They are best housed with other large, semi-aggressive fish.

This species can be territorial, especially towards other groupers. It’s important to monitor their interactions with tank mates and provide ample space for each fish to establish its territory.

Health: Regularly check for signs of illness or stress, such as changes in eating habits or appearance. Good water quality and a balanced diet are key to maintaining their health.

Strawberry Grouper’s size and dietary needs make it more suitable for experienced aquarists who can provide the appropriate care and environment.


Scientific Name

Epinephelus guttatus

Origin Caribbean
Max Size 8″
Family Serranidae
Provider Keys Marine Life Direct

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